Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, December 31, 2007

Holiday Craze!

Happy New Year! This holiday season has been a wild ride. From packing up the kids to celebrate Christmas with families in Fort Worth and Kansas City to mailing holiday cards to very cold weather, we are ready for 2008 to be a great, but quieter year.

We had several Christmas celebrations. Earlier in the month, we celebrated with Brandon's family in Fort Worth. We spent the night there too. The Christmas tree was full and very pretty. Because of Maggie and Jackson, it took us most of the day to exchange presents. Kaitlyn found a bag of marshmellows and poured them out into a nice, little pile and started helping herselft to one marshmellow at a time. That was pretty funny. The hit of the weekend was to see Maggie dedicated at their church.

We traveled just before Christmas to Kansas City this year in the snow. It snowed on the way, on the way back and some in the middle. We also found out that in Texas they put water in the winshield wiper tank. It froze up and so we couldn't wash the winshield. Thank goodness we had snow. Later, we put some antifreeze in, but it was quite comical that we weren't too prepared for the cold. We stayed with my Aunt Linda and Uncle Butch and their two kiddos - Zach and Kia. I really thought the tough part was going to be the traveling, but the hard part turned out to be naps and going to bed. Kaitlyn was so revved up from seeing cousins, a new house to explore and many more fun and exciting things, that she really had a hard time going to sleep. Jackson on the other hand was still a dream, but he didn't like the pack and play and slept with me in the bed. He took up the whole bed with pillows around him and stretching out.

Christmas Eve was a blast with little cousins running around. There were crafts and stories, too. The older girl cousins told the story of the Night Before Christmas with some special effects. We even took up some Italian traditions for Christmas since the dinner theme was Italian. There was a Christmas log and you write your worries you want to forget on paper and tie them to the log. Then toss the log into the fire to take your worries away. The little cousins exchanged presents and Jackson gave Drew a pretty cool car race track. It was the hit of the party as all of the kids played with it.

Jackson is four months today! I can't believe it. He is growing so much. He is showing signs of getting ready to roll over. He loves to move his legs and laugh with us. He is even ticklish on his sides. He can almost stick his whole fist in his mouth. He is teething already and right now looks like he is constantly hungry. I don't know how many growth spurts this kid is going to go through, ha! His new favorite toy is a green dinosaur and holds on to it a lot. So it used to be Kaitlyn's as mostly all of his toys are Kaitlyn's old toys. However, now he has a lot of new toys from Christmas to enjoy as he gets a little bigger. Yeah!

Kaitlyn just loves her baby brother. She likes to help him play and take pictures of him. She is pretty much potty trained now except that we still have to remind her to go. She still wears a pull up at night, but does wake up dry when she doesn't have anything to drink before bed. Right now, she is in a stage where she likes to cry like Jackson to get attention and we are working hard on patience. I am finding out how much of a softy I am when it comes to them.

This year we plan to get Kaitlyn in dance. We are going to first try out Ballet with her friend Zoe in late January sometime. I hope to get involved with Gymboree with Jackson like I did with Kaitlyn. Then in the spring it will be time for swimming! Yeah, we can't wait to get in the pool.

Friday, December 21, 2007

"The Best Santa in DFW"

So I should be packing for our trip to KC tonight, but...

We took Kaitlyn and Jackson to see Santa Claus today, and I had to scan and post the picture we got with Santa!

He is the real deal! We actually ran into Brandon's friends from college, The Malhoits, who just had a baby boy, Barrett, while waiting in line. We all waited together which made the two hour wait go by a little faster. They told us that this Santa Claus is recruited heavily by malls in the DFW area. His beard and everything is real. They also said that he gets a pretty huge paycheck. I can believe it. We paid $14 just for one 5x7.

He was pretty sweet to Kaitlyn and she was so excited to see him; however, from the picture you would never know it. She became very shy when she walked up to him and sat on his lap. I think if we would have been able to give her a little time, she would have talked his ear off. While waiting in line, I couldn't pull her away from watching him.
I don't think Jackson is too comfortable. We were all talking to get Kaitlyn to smile and then they shook some bells that were kind of loud. I think Jackson was very ready to go home and go to bed after this mall experience.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Meche Christmas!

We still can't believe it is Christmas. We haven't been able to get out with our two little munchkins for Christmas activities much. Shoot, we don't even have our pictures back yet to put in our Christmas cards. But what we do have, are two wonderful, healthy children and will have a happy Christmas with family.

This past weekend, we celebrated with Brandon's family. It was quite a day with two little babies and a toddler, not to mention us big kids. Kaitlyn is very interested in Christmas stories, Christmas trees and Santa right now. She enjoyed hanging ornaments on the tree this weekend and playing with the presents. She loved her Dora backpack and the little jump house with balls.

We also went to the mall to hear Santa tell a Christmas story. We were a little late and stood in the back for a little bit with our friends Caroline, Hailey and Kerri; However, Kaitlyn and Caroline still had a great time sitting on the sit and stand stroller together and walking through the mall hand in hand.

Jackson is a little out of sorts because of the weekend, but hopefully, he will be well rested for our trip to KC. We are flying up there and driving back. It will be quite the trip. We are praying for safe, warm weather.

For pictures go to:

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Rest and Repose

It is always nice to get a break from the normal hum-drum of everyday life. In our case (Brandon and I), we were in desparate need of some time to relax and get back to just us. Brandon's company came to save us and whisked us off to Cabo, Mexico in early December for a couple of days this past week. It was a tough decision, but I decided to leave Jackson at home. We are very glad that we did and he did very staying at home as well.

We missed Kaitlyn and Jackson terribly. It was such a fun reunion because they both laughed and giggled when we came home. Jackson did fine with the bottle and is back to nursing again too. Kaitlyn has been napping, yeah! He is reaching for everything and grasping everything. He gurgles and coos a lot. Kaitlyn still loves to give him lovies and likes to talk a lot.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Hanging Up My Freelancing Shoes

As of today, I have officially stopped freelancing, no more PR work for me right now. I had to tell my last client today that I am swamped with kids having colds and taking care of them that I don't have time to work on a project basis. It sounded simple; Work when they sleep or at night, but that left me nothing else, inlcuding Brandon or housework or other projects. By the way, I am totally behind on many projects like photos and albums.

I am a little sad because I enjoyed freelancing and the people I worked with on a weekly basis. It kept some regularity in my life even when Kaitlyn was growing or going through a new phase, etc. Now hopefully, I will be able to give my full attention to kids and house and get more projects done around here. I have put these off many times since I would work instead in the little free time I had. Shoot, maybe I can get out to a lunch or dinner with friend. I am really looking forward to that once we getting better settled with Jackson and no more colds!

Only two more days before Cabo San Lucas. Brandon and I are excited to make a quick getaway over the weekend. Boy, do we need it. My parents are coming to watch the kids and I hope they do well for them. It will be tough, but hopefully, worth the trip to enjoy. It is free and on Brandon's company! I just pray Jackson feels a little better before we go. It was a tough decision to leave him at home, but I would rather leave him home than risk another cold.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

It could be worse...

It has been crazy around here trying to get a leg up on all of the season's activities including weddings, Christmas shopping, Thanksgiving, trip to Mexico, family in town, etc.

Brandon's cousin's wedding was beautiful and Kaitlyn walked down the aisle like an angel. She listened and I think it was the big excitement for her all weekend, except the dancing. Thanksgiving was great despite the cold, wet weather and we even put up our Christmas tree with a few decorations. Kaitlyn loves to be sneaky and pull things off the tree. Christmas shopping, almost done. Yeah! Ready for Cabo San Lucas? Not really, but it will have to work. We are leaving for Mexico next week. This is the trip Brandon was awarded since he was a top seller this fall. I can't believe we are going. It will be tough with Jackson, but I think we definitely need to have some relaxation and recharge our batteries!

I say it could be worse because we are all sick again, but things could be worse if we didn't just have a little cold. Poor little Jackson can't breathe. I hope we can make it through this cold season with only a few little bouts here and there, but it is inevitable, especially with a toddler running around. She loves to kiss Jackson on his head and does great changing his diaper. She is actually a regular cleaning lady too. She loves to clean windows.

The best thing to do in our household right now is to watch Kaitlyn dance. She just wouldn't stop dancing at the wedding and now at home, it is an epidemic. Dancing with the Stars has been great to watch, especially with Kaitlyn. She waits for the dance to start and then she gets up and boogies. Her version of getting down to the music is to run from one side of the room to the other. She then holds her arms up to her side and bends over to shake her toosh. It is pretty cute. But it is never good to dance alone and makes Brandon and I dance too.

Jackson makes us smile all day. He laughs and smiles and coos so much. It is amazing that he does all of the time. He is as happy as a clam if you just look at him and for as big as he is, he knows just how to melt in your arms. He is now 17 and a half pounds. His stomach looks like a big ham or hammie!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Sporadic posts

Well, the holidays are upon us. It is going to be pretty sporadic posting on here for the next couple of months. The holidays bring all sorts of craziness and with trying to get into a better routine with Kaitlyn and Jackson, extra time will be nonexistent.

We are working to get Jackson to like his crib better and fall asleep easier. He has a lot of gas and I still here congestion in him. Poor guy, we drag him everywhere and has gotten used to sleeping in his carseat alot. But seeing how he is growing so much, I have no idea what to do when he gains another five pounds and he is out of the carrier. Right now, it is pretty easy to take him with us. I am on the hunt for a double stroller to buckle both kiddos in.

Kaitlyn is so sweet on Jackson and helped me give him a bath today. I am still nervous with her around him sometimes as she presses on him and doesn't know that it hurts. She is maturing a lot and wants to do everything herself, although she still needs me to teach her the proper way of doing things. She is in love with Curious George right now. They are very similar. He is curious of everything as is she.

Friday, November 09, 2007


Well, we have made it past the two month mark with Jackson and the holidays are right around the corner. God has been looking out for us these last few months, that is for sure. Brandon signed a huge client with ADP, the biggest deal in his region so far. It was exciting for him and his office. He got a trip to Los Cabos the first of December so we are trying to figure out if we are going to take Jackson or not. Kaitlyn has taken a nap everyday this week. I think she is finally calming down after Jackson's birth and the excitement of grandmoms helping out. Jackson is sleeping a little bit better, but he is still waking every four hours at night to eat. I think I have a little more sanity with getting a little more sleep because he is taking a bottle now.

Jackson went to his two month check up yesterday and he is in the above 97 percetile for weight and height. He now weighs 15 pounds 10 ounces. Yes!!! At 20 pounds, we have to move him out of his carrier carseat! The doctor also said that he is smiling and cooing like he is a four-month old. He loves to talk and smile. Kaitlyn started a bit later, but I don't remember her talking as much as him.

Today, I got really lucky with this picture. Two kiddos smiling!!!

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Fun, but worn out

I am beginning to find out that in the world of kids, any kind of holiday is a hectic time. Not that we scrambled to find all of the Halloween and fall festival activities we could, but that there is so much to choose from in our area. We went to a pumpkin patch and farm, a fall festival for Kaitlyn's school and another fall festival at her friend, Kali's school. The things they do for little kids. It is amazing.

Kaitlyn is getting to be a lot of fun to take to these things too because she is having so much fun with all of these new activities and can voice how much fun she is having. Of course, Jackson had a ball - sleeping, that is.

We have caught our second cold of the season. Man, we need some super spray to keep this stuff from spreading. We are constantly washing hands and putting on hand sanitizer, but when Kaitlyn coughs, we just can't contain it.

Here is some video of Kaitlyn jumping in a bounce house at the fall festival last night. She loved it.

Here is some video of Jackson playing in his crib. He is becoming more and more animated.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Finally, fall is in the air

It has been awhile since I have jumped on the computer. I have been a zombie looking after everyone around here. Kaitlyn is going mad with trying to get our attention. Jackson has hit a growth spurt and it is busy season at Brandon's work. As for me, I want more sleep and to be able to get a walk in to enjoy this pretty weather.

Kaitlyn has given us a run for our money over the last week and a half. She hit her head on her headboard and got a cut on her forehead. It was a gusher. We went to the doc for that one. Overall, she did really well and told everyone she hurt her head. She is one of those kids that has to learn for herself.

Also, we have gone through the whole house and changed any doors with locks to doors without them. She has figured out how to keep mommy and daddy away. She gave us quite a fright when she locked herself in the bathroom and wouldn't say anything. She has had an independent streak lately and does like to have her privacy when going to the bathroom.

Today, she was shimy shaking her way around the house and fell on the wood floor in the front. She got a knot on her knee. I tell ya, if it isn't one thing it is another with our 2 year old.

We definitely need Nanny 911 to come and help us calm this girl down. She absolutely refuses to go to bed when she is tired and is trying to cry and scream for attention louder than Jackson. Just when I find a good strategy, she finds another way to try and get around us.

As for our little man as I like to call him, he is huge. I put him on the scale just for fun and he is 13.5 pounds give or take since I was holding him on there. I can't believe how big he is. He loves to smile and is so sweet. He doesn't seem to be bothered too much by Kaitlyn except for when he is really tired and trying to sleep. It has been tough with Kaitlyn being so loud for him to really sleep a lot in his room. He has been in our room and in the swing a lot to keep it quite.

We love holding him. It feels like an eternity since Kaitlyn was a baby. I am really ready for Jackson to be 5 months already because that was my favorite baby time.

I am looking forward to this third month with Jackson as it is continuing to get better one baby step at a time and I am slowly fittng into my pants. I have to keep telling myself to take it one day at a time. With more sleep, I know we will be functioning a little bit better. Sleep come on, come on over and help a mother out!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Ho hummm...

It has been a rough couple of weeks for us. I have had no sleep! I need it! I need it bad! I am subsisting on nothing and Jackson wants to eat all of the time. He won't take a bottle and I have bought four different brands so far today. He took an ounce out of one and that is one small victory!

Our computer monitor is out so I am using the laptop and don't have any new photos on it.

Other than that, I am wondering how people make it through these first months with two. I am dying! Poor Brandon is dying because I am barely subsisting. My motto today is to not think too far into the future and take it a day at a time. Thank goodness it is sunny today because it always makes me be in a better mood even though I have had 3 hours of sleep for the last four or five days at least. Kaitlyn, give me a nap!!!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Monday, October 08, 2007

Side Notes

No photos just yet, but on another note: Jackson is smiling. I saw him give me smiles on Thursday and Brandon saw got them this weekend. They are really cute. He is going to be quite a charmer.

Kaitlyn has reverted back somewhat to her baby days. Before putting her in her crib, I would hold her in my arms and rock her a little bit and then lay her down. She is now asking for me to hold her and rock her a little bit before putting her in bed.

Tonight she told us what Jackson sounds like to her and she made crying sounds that sounded just like him.

Friday, October 05, 2007

The first two days

Yesterday and today have been the first two days where I have been home all day with two kids. Yes, we are pretty fortunate to have had help for several weeks now.

The mornings are not too bad and I actually have been able to take showers. Although, I have been up way too early. When 12:30 pm comes around, that is when it gets crazy. It is time to get Kaitlyn ready to take a nap and make sure Jackson is fed or sleeping before I start the process with Kaitlyn. I think he senses it because he has been hard to get to go back to sleep around this time of day. I fought with Kaitlyn yesterday to take a nap for a really long time. I think she was overtired as she didn't go to sleep the night before until 10 pm and then had to go to school all morning. Today, it was crazy for about an hour and a half. Kaitlyn fell asleep on her own in a very short amount of time. Jackson got overtired as his pacifer kept falling out. It took me awhile to get him to go sleep. Ahh, if only nap time was simple.

I think we are going to make it though! We will have to test the waters next week on actually getting out of the house with me and two kiddos on my own to the store or something.

As I have repeatedly stated in the hospital after Jackson, anything is easier than being 9 months pregnant and taking care of Kaitlyn. Carrying Jackson around the last month and a half was so grueling that I am just thankful that I can now run around! I still feel how light I am now compared to August and am still amazed about it.

Well, off to try and take a nap while it is still quiet.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Jackson is One Month and Photos of Cousin Maggie - She's here!

Yeah, it has been a month since Jackson was born. He is doing great! (Maggie info below)

We have been so fortunate to have both grandmothers come to help us out. Thank you so much! It is now back to reality and time to begin learning to take care of both kiddos on our own. How am I going to make it through the day now? The tough part is keeping Kaitlyn entertained while I nurse Jackson or need to rock him to sleep. She tries to be quiet, but she does get excited around him.

There are a lot of moments that give me encouragement that this can work and pretty easily. Although, when Kaitlyn is cranky and has a tantrum like this week, it makes it really stressful and hard.

Right now, I really want to tackle sleeping with Jackson. He likes the swing and his bed. We are going back and forth right now. I would like to get to a point like I did with Kaitlyn - he can sleep in his bed and I just come in to feed once or twice in the night. With him having a cold, I have been too nervous to not be right by him. I have been on the floor in his room or he has been in our room, whichever works that night. We definitely need to work on a better routine with that just for my sanity.

Here is a photo of him in the sling. I have a feeling we will use this everyday so I can have my hands free for Kaitlyn too. :)

Maggie Grace Meche is here.

She was born by c-section yesterday after Christy went in to be induced and nothing happened. So they did a c-section around 5:15 pm. She weighed in at 7 pounds and is 19.5 inches. We came around 6 and was able to see the nurse take care of her. She was already sucking her thumb.

It was crazy to see Jackson and then her. She is so much shorter and lighter than him.
Kaitlyn and Jackson did great at the hospital. He slept and Kaitlyn made friends. She ran through the halls taking everyone around. It definitely wore her out. She liked seeing Maggie through the window, and was quite shy when we first came in because there was such a big crowd!! Two sets of grandparents, great grandparents, sisters and boyfriends - it made for quite a fuss around the window. Ahhhh! Spencer was a very proud daddy and Christy looked like she was so glad to have Maggie out and a happy mom! Yeah! Congrats Spencer and Christy.

We left around 8:30 last night and it made for a late night with the kiddos. Hopefully, when Kaitlyn gets home from school, she will take a good, long nap!

Sunday, September 30, 2007

BU and ATM

So the family BU and A&M rivalry continues...

We lost to A&M again. We (me) even put Kaitlyn and Jackson in BU attire for good luck this weekend. Kaitlyn and Daddy wore A&M attire two weekends before and A&M won. Here are a couple of photos below.

We still chugging along. Gigi is here until Wednesday when Brandon's brother and sister in law go in for a scheduled induction and we will then have a new little cousin. Yeah! I think we are all looking forward to October and getting out more!

(This is a BU dress, but you can't see the BU on it)

Sunday, September 23, 2007

One Long Day

September so far has felt like one long day. We have been so fortunate to have friends and family cook for us. It has been a relief as we try to sneak a bite here or there in between taking care of Kaitlyn and Jackson. They don't seem to sleep in the afternoon at the same time for very long and then trying to catch up on getting a shower or other things does get in the way of sleeping. I don't know how I am doing it with as little as four hours of sleep, but the body keeps on going. As long as I am not going out of the house too much, we are all a-okay that way.

So that is the update for me. Jackson seems to be doing better. He still has the occasional cough, but not like last week where he would go all morning with reflux and then congestion from a cold as well. I think there is still some of the cold left, but I hope we can start getting better about going to sleep for the little guy.

Kaitlyn is great and is calling him her baby brother. She said today he can call her K.K. She is pretty happy these days and is getting so much better about going down for a nap and to bed at night. All of August and part of September have been a nightmare in that department. It would take her an hour or more to go to sleep. It was part of adjusting to going to sleep without her pacifier. We are finally seeing some light at the end of the tunnel. Yeah!

Now Brandon's mom is coming to help out this week after my mom has helped us out for two weeks. I don't know how I am going to do it once she leaves, but I am going to enjoy having help this week for sure! I think Kaitlyn has definitely benefited from the extra attention to make the transition a little easier.

It will definitely be a fun October!

Friday, September 14, 2007

A couple of setbacks

What a week! Kaitlyn is sick. I am sick. Brandon is sick. And Jackson is sick. And my mom got sick while helping out this week. We all have the same cold! As soon as Jackson is over jaundice, he catches a cold. Poor thing! The doctor's office knows him really well now!

Since we have had to introduce a bottle early because of the jaundice, we have had some setbacks with nursing, and I was really worried this week about it. Luckily, I was able to call on a free lactation nurse hotline for some help. It has worked so far. Yeah!

I forgot how this whole eating thing takes such a long time, and will have to wait to see if any patterns develop after he gets better.

Kaitlyn and I enjoyed some time at the park and she loved school this week. She is definitely feeling the loss of some attention from her mommy and is acting out. I feel so badly about it because I want to give Jackson a lot of attention as well. I think I am on the right track though to work through it by letting help and attention come for Kaitlyn and trying to have our little activities while Jackson sleeps.

We had some visitors come this week to bring dinner, and that has helped bring some normalcy into our lives. Thanks to our friends John and Amy Woodard, Rebecca Palmer and friends from my mom's group like Ellen who have set up some friends to bring dinners this next week.

Around two weeks, we took some black and whites of Kaitlyn so here are a few of Jackson from today. Enjoy! It was awefully cute to take them and see him falling asleep. When I have a chance, I will send a Kodak Gallery of all the photos in B/W.

Monday, September 10, 2007

1 Week and Counting

Can't believe Jackson has been here a week! The last couple of days have been a blur with trying to get Jackson over his high levels of jaundice, Kaitlyn's cold and my arm injury. We are waiting for Brandon to come down with something.

On Sunday, Jackson's jaundice came down and we think he has made it over the hump. We can now stop supplementing with an extra ounce of formula and hopefully get back to exclusively nursing, although I hope the bottle has not ruined any chances to nursing longterm. We will see how it goes and will have lots of questions at his 2 week checkup. I just need sleep. He is wanting to eat every two hours because that is what we have had to do with the jaundice.
Kaitlyn has been into games the last week. She has been playing with all of the board games and I think it is time to bring on CANDYLAND. Yeah, can't wait for that because I loved that game growing up.

Here are a few recent photos - sponge baths and hanging out.
I don't like my sponge bath!

Ah, Big Brown Doggie!

It's in the genes. Picture time!!!

Friday, September 07, 2007

A precious gift

Can you believe this is me going into the hospital as I was having a contraction last Saturday?

Well, there are so many things to write and so many things to remember from this week. I have wanted to write an update earlier; however, time has not permitted it and sleep deprivation is going to my brain.

First, we had our precious Jackson Benjamin Meche on Saturday, September 1. We had no idea what we were in for when we woke up that day. I started feeling contractions at 1 pm and got to the hospital at 2:45 with very strong, regular contractions. They worsened just as the nurse was going to order the epidural and then it went from bad to worse where I just involuntarily started pushing. It was amazing how everything just went so fast and without me doing anything except be in a lot of pain. The epidural finally came through, thank goodness for a good CRN there and the pain eased up before the head crowned and Jackson was born at 4:56 pm.

He had his eyes wide open almost immediately and only gave a couple of soft cries. He is so sweet. The grandparents and Kaitlyn didn't even have time to wait as they started arriving about thirty minutes later.

We had so many visitors on Sunday. It was really nice. For me, I was worn out, Jackson too. But great surprises. The Green family surprised us with a visit and we didn't even know they were in town. Yeah!

Now this week, Kaitlyn has just loved on Jackson, but hasn't really been able to be too involved as he is sleeping so much or eating or she is sleeping or trying to go to sleep. She is so sweet on him and I haven't seen too much jealously yet. She does get very upset if I don't put her to bed. We are still working on getting the routine down.

This week, we have had absolutely no sleep and I have been a wreck, emotionally. What a surprise, I had that with Kaitlyn, but I haven't been able to nap like I should and that is adding to it.

Jackson just loves to stay up at night and sleep all day. He is eating well for the most part, but we still have some nursing issues, learning each other. We went to the doctor yesterday for a weight and jaundice check. Jackson has elevated levels of the birlilum (sp?) and we had to check him again today. It is still really high and I now have to add an ounce or two of formula after a feed. Hopefully, this won't interfere with nursing too. We will have to get his levels checked out again tomorrow. We have him by the window for indirect sunlight too. We are hoping that today will maybe be an improvement.

He really hasn't been fussy at all except for when he gets really hungry, diaper change or something is wet that is on him like a wet wash cloth.

Yesterday, I turned the big 30 and I couldn't stop crying all day, even at the doctor's office. I am so happy that we were able to do a bday celebration early. Although, Brandon and Kaitlyn went to get me a cookie cake and that was pretty tasty.

It was bad yesterday and trying not to get too stressed out about call backs, etc. and leaving a lot to Brandon. Wow, he is doing a great job with Kaitlyn. The hard part is getting over this initial two weeks with Jackson and no sleep. More to come...

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

It is definitely time for a little baby to arrive!

It is definitely time for Jackson to be here. We have been anxiously waiting his arrival and had thought he would be here by now. Around the first week or two in August I was busy getting last minute things together before he came and closed out my work projects. I went to the doctor, and I had started dilating. We thought this was great news because I didn't dilate at all before Kaitlyn came.

Now I am sitting here and it is August 28th and still no Jackson. His due date is exactly a week from today and I have been miserable for the last three weeks. Ahh, me! Last week, we had a false alarm as I was throwing up with contractions, but they subsided and I went home. I felt pretty bad the whole week. Now this week, I have a huge rash on my belly. It itches and it is hard to sleep.

Anyway, an induction is in order and just got a call for it to be Tuesday, 9/4. I hate to be whining and can't wait to be out of this state and see little Jackson. I just have a feeling he is going to a real sweetie and endear us all to just cuddle with him all the time.

Kaitlyn is telling everyone that Jackson is in mommy's tummy, and I can't wait to finally see her face when he is actually here. We have been talking about it so long and I have been so big for so long that I am sure she will not know what to do. I am so excited to be able to get back to regular physical things too so I can play with her more again. Right now it is so hard to get down on her level or have the energy.

I know that it will be tough with Jackson, but my take on everything is that anything is better than this. I can't do anything I want to do and that is tough to accept right now. Even though I complain, I am thankful for this because I can look back when there is a day that is hard with having two and know that it is still easier than the physical state and pain I am in now trying to take care of Kaitlyn.
Daddy dressed Kaitlyn and put her in pigtails this morning all by himself while mommy slept in.

More to come soon...

Thursday, August 09, 2007


Well, I haven't been blogging too much or taking photos because of how enormous I am. It is hard just to get off the couch without help from Brandon. hehehe.

We went to the doctor for the 36 week visit. I am almost at 2 cm dilated. I thought something had started happening this week. I have been trying to clean up, all I can think about is what is around the corner and how our lives are going to change, and practically staying up at all hours at night. For example, last night I was up from 1:30 am to 2 am just finishing up washing some dishes, and then I got out a pad to write out a grocery list. What am I doing???

I think we are ready, but I just don't have that feeling like I am totally ready like I did with Kaitlyn. I keep thinking of how Kaitlyn is going to adjust. She has been totally enamoured with her babies lately, and I hope that is a good sign. It will be fun to have her help me change a diaper and see her eyes get very concentrated on one little task.

Even though I have been miserable physically and down right hormonal at times with some complaining, I feel this has been another good experience because it is God's little miracle coming to life once again.

One prayer request: Brandon's grandfather is gravely ill. He is moving home this weekend. Brandon plans to go visit this weekend in Louisiana. He is concerned that I will go into labor, but I think the odds are in our favor that we have some time right now at least.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Reading is fun!

Here is a sample of Kaitlyn reading on our way to the Dallas World Aquarium for a little family outing this weekend.

Unfortunately, the Dallas World Aquarium was packed, being renovated and Kaitlyn was tired of all the people so we didn't stay too long. She had way more fun in the pool the next day with Uncle Stephen, who came over and showed us his mad pool skills! Other than that, we have been playing it lowkey. And what has really been wearing us out is trying to work with Kaitlyn to listen and obey her parents better. What a struggle with a 2 and a half year old right now; but we just forget about any power struggles when she is so cute reading her books!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

A Very Meche Weekend

This past weekend was a weekend for celebrations. Since I am due around my 30th birthday in early September, we decided to celebrate early with a little Murder Mystery dinner at the Gaylord hotel in Grapevine. It was sooo much fun. We had a group of about 30 and enjoyed a buffet of all sorts of food and a murder mystery based on the Old West.

I loved getting out for the night and enjoyed seeing friends I haven't seen in awhile! Kaitlyn was a little confused to see everyone leave her at home, but she did very well and needed her sleep.

Here are a few photos from the dinner:

On Sunday, friends, Judy, Emily and Brooke hosted a little shower for Jackson. It was nice to just see the girls and we all had fun seeing all the blue little outfits for him. I think the biggest hit was the A&M stuff; however, I still think the BU onsie was a hit with me! A&M usually wins out around here so if I can get some BU in, that is awesome!! He also received his first pair of boxers - so cute!

Here are a few photos from the shower:

It just amazes me at how friends always come through for you and do amazing things to show you how much you are loved. I felt so loved and cared about this weekend and am so appreciative of all of my friends that I have made throughout the years. My goodness, I had friends from junior high and elementary, college, post-college and post-baby all come this weekend and I just don't have the words to express my gratefulness and thankfulness for them.

And of course, my family and Brandon's family have been so supportive and loving in preparing for a new baby and helping with Kaitlyn while I am physically tired and unable to do all I want to do. It has been wonderful this experience has truly come from the Lord above to help show the way because I have definitely had hard times with this pregnancy! And to Brandon, a round of applause for all of his hard work in organizing the dinner and helping more than anything around the house and with Kaitlyn. I couldn't imagine doing it on my own!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Welcome Baby Noah Zafereo

Just thought I would help share the good news, our friends, Judy and Jason Zafereo, had their baby boy on Monday, named Noah Francis. He came about 12 days late and weighed 8 lb. 6 oz. Kaitlyn was so excited to hold him TWICE. It was a special treat to get to hold him again before we left the visiting room yesterday.

Judy is doing great and both she and Jason are just so relaxed and happy to have him now. They are going to be great parents. (Just a note - Judy is one of the hosti for the baby shower this weekend. I hope she can make it for a little while.)

He had a lot of hair and just reminded us of Jackson's impending arrival. It was so sweet to see how Kaitlyn was gentle with him and just waited patiently to hold him and be by the baby. She is quite the big girl helper now.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

100th Post

Well, this is the 100th posting to this blog since we started last year. Wow, can't believe it! This will be a great entry because we have a little story to share on how Kaitlyn is showing her understanding of Jackson. Well, at least, we think she is, and she could definitely have a different song and dance when we bring him home in the next 6 weeks.

Yesterday, she had her first swim lesson with Haley, the swim instructor, coming to our house. As we were getting ready, I was talking to Kaitlyn about helping to take care of Jackson and asking her where he is.

Her friends Zoe and Ian came to join us in the swim lesson. Both of them have baby sisters. When Ian's baby sister, Emily, arrived with Ian, Kaitlyn just loved to look at her and help keep her pacifier in her mouth. Zoe's mom asked Kaitlyn if she had a baby as in baby brother. Kaitlyn said that her baby was in mommy's belly. It was just too cute to hear her. Of course, by now she recognizes mommy's huge, gigantic, enormous, large, bowling-ball shaped belly.

Kaitlyn did great in her swim lesson and took straight away to Haley. We practiced blowing bubbles, kicking and pulling our arms.

Monday, July 09, 2007

Swimming On Own!!

Included video of Kaitlyn swimming on her own in the pool with her lifejacket!

As for our little munchkin, we finally got one full day of good ole' sunshine on Saturday and played in the pool, perhaps a little too long, but it was well worth it. We put on a little lifejacket for Kaitlyn, and she just wanted to swim around all day long by herself. Now we are in the market for one of those swimsuits with the floaties in them because that would keep her up to play around on her own more. Of course, we are right by her side all of the time, but she is now at a point where she wants to do it all by herself, which is great to see her learning and exploring on her own.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

July's Potty Update

Kaitlyn is making great progress. It has been a month since we first had our Potty Party and introduced potty training. This week she is beginning to feel more comfortable on the potty by waiting for the pee-pee to come, and shows us signs of needing to go before she has an accident. She is starting to tell us and even letting #2 go while on the potty. She is a pretty regular little person, and for awhile things were out of whack, but I see things getting back to regular everyday. This is great news for her mommy who "feels" so big; it is hard to get up when sitting with her in the bathroom.

I think she is on to us about this "other baby" business. She actually used my big belly for a pillow the other day when we were sitting on the couch. At least, it is coming in handy for her, too. She does tell us that baby Jackson is in mommy's belly. And she has been especially clingy lately and wants me to pick her up a lot more.

She has loved to take an old diaper of hers and change her babies' diapers lately. I don't think I will fight her to change Jackson's. Heeehhee.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Mmmm, That's Yummy!

Is it me or does it take forever to get anything at Wal-Mart? I went today for the first time in weeks for groceries. Since I was up in the night with some heartburn, probably because I had a spicy chicken salad at lunch, I thought I could take a nap and get the grocery shopping done while Kaitlyn was at summer school. No can do. I spent two hours at Wal-Mart alone - part waddling around because I move slow now and part because that place is just so huge. I can never make a quick trip to the store anymore, but maybe that is part of pregnancy as well because everything looks so much better to eat when pregnant.

For about a week now, whenever Kaitlyn plays in her kitchen or groceries or even eats a meal, she says, "Mm mm, that's yummy." But yummy comes out a little different in her pronunciation. I caught it on video.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Busy June Weekend

It was a busy June weekend for us. I am entering my 30th week of pregnancy and things are definitely slowing down for me, except I feel I have so much to do before Jackson's arrival. I am taking today to rest from the weekend.
Also, several friends and family have experienced a loss in their family as well as a family member being very sick in the last week including Katie Cottrell who lost a family member this week and a close Meche family friend who is in the hospital with swelling in his brain without a reason. Please keep them in your prayers.

Alert: Kaitlyn just told me she had to use the potty and we went and she immediately went #2. I think it just may be more of a regular thing for her now. So cool!

In the morning on Saturday, Brandon's Bro and wife, Spencer and Christy came over to swim and we had quite the crew. She is six weeks behind me with a girl. I also went by some garage sales in the morning and bought a couple of toys for $3 and a double jogging stroller for $30. This double jogging stroller is awesome and like new. They normally go for around $250 or if you find a used one at least $100. I am sure we will get some use out of it in the fall when it cools down for walks.

We went to a barbque at Brandon's new boss' house. We were there for a really long time, and I was definitely talked out by the time we left. It was funny because all the guys went in the back to hang out, and that was when Brandon received requests for his famous impression ability. He is pretty good at doing impressions of people. He says co-workers always request him to do his old boss.

On Sunday, Kaitlyn's friend, Emma turned 3. She had a pool/Hello Kitty party. Her dad carried Kaitlyn and Emma around the pool over and over. They loved it. Kaitlyn had no problem going to him as long as she was playing in the pool!

In addition, I found a swim instructor that comes to your house for swim lessons and a good place for pizza - Pizza by Marco's off of Park and Tollway - yummy. Anyway, she taught at the Emler Swim School, and is very reasonably priced. Several friends have expressed interest in using her too so we may be in business to start our own class around Pool Time Fridays. I have got to call and find out more information for July and part of August.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Sweeter than Sweet

Another potty update. I couldn't contain myself when I picked Kaitlyn up today on her second day of summer fun at The Ark Preschool. She went No. 1 and No. 2 in the potty! Yeah for Kaitlyn! I am so proud of her.

I know this is a slow process and she is doing agreat job of learning how to do this thing we call going potty on the toliet. As a mom, it is wonderful to see your child pass another major milestone. The teachers all smiled as I talked about how exciting this potty training experience has been. And how thankful I am to be able to work on this now with Kaitlyn before Jackson is here.

I tried to get a little movie of her licking a popcicle today, but wasn't fast enough. It was cute how she stuck out her tongue just to lick a part of it and that was it. She was pretty worn out today as she didn't have a nap and konked out around 5 pm. We woke her for dinner and then she went back to sleep.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Father's Day and A Present from Kaitlyn

It was a happy Father's Day for Brandon! We enjoyed The Meches coming to visit and Brandon hanging with his dad on Father's Day. Kaitlyn did well the whole weekend going on the potty! She is starting to recognize the need to go and say poopoo on the potty beforehand, but we have to still try and catch it.

On Sunday early evening, we went to the mall to ride the carousel. Kaitlyn really enjoyed herself, so did dad. Then I took her to the potty, which is located right by the ride. She went on the potty there. It was so cool!

Uncle Stephen came to visit today and she got so excited that we didn't make it to the bathroom.

Tomorrow she will go to the second summer session on The Ark Preschool. I was worried about it; however, she has really gotten the potty thing a lot more in just the last couple of days. I hope tomorrow goes well. She will be in the 2 year old room with a bathroom right there.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Amazing Update from Rest of Today

Okay folks, we had an amazing day potty training. How unexpected! She got up and we went potty this morning, count 1. Then tried about every 45 minutes in the morning, until went pee-pee before nap time at 11:30, count 2. We did the whole take a turn bit. So I went first and then she went! Then when she woke up at 3. She went again and we took turns, count 3. And lastly, tonight at 7:30 pm, she went poo-poo on the potty, count 4. Four times!!!! Wow, we got a lot of practice in! In between 3 and 7:30, we went swimming for a long time, so who knows what happened then, but we had to get out of the bathroom, so it was a good break.

I knew she had it in her and now we wait for the breakthrough where she tells us she has to go. I am just elated that we are making good progress. Of course, I have to tell myself we are going to have days that we may step back.

For those of you who are asking for tips, here a couple we have learned the last few days, not that I am an expert, but these things worked for Kaitlyn:
1. Have a fun sticker chart to encourage them just to sit on the potty - giving and putting a sticker on after just trying helped to bring her to the potty every time we said let's go. ("Potty Training in A Day" book is what I went by for all of this.)

2. Once we started her on the potty, there was no turning back to diapers. It was underwear the rest of the day and training pants for naps/night time.

3. We had a potty-training doll and this helped Kaitlyn because she is into dolls/babies right now.

4. We had a bucket of small presents from the dollar store, etc. for when she did go on the potty and this has been great motivation, once she figured it out.

5. We got the "Potty Power" video and she has watched this over and over. She loves the songs. We also bought a few books she can read, but not as much into those right now. But this is how we started the whole thing, was to alternate between the bathroom and going to read a potty book or see a video.

6. I would sometimes bring them into the bathroom. Having a portable video player helped to keep her on the potty as well as games/coloring/cards so we could try and catch her.

7. What has helped the most was our excitement and big, happy and smiling faces. We would race to the bathroom, get excited over stickers, her just sitting on the potty or just staying dry. She definitely picked up on our fun and excitement as well has having family members being excited for her.

Tonight, I couldn't help but see how she is turning into a BIG girl right before our eyes. She read Brown Bear, Brown Bear all by herself. I read it first and she started to. She was saying all the names twice and then turning the next page and saying that animal just like how it is written. I hope she becomes a great little reader! Then she can read me a night time story and I may just fall asleep and can't be moved!

Potty Update Number 2

Well, we like number 1 and number 2. Yesterday, Oma came over to help as I had some project work and had to go to the office. Kaitlyn went pee-pee and poo-poo on the potty after being closely watched. Her face says it all.

Last night we stayed in the bathroom for a good 45 minutes from 6 to 7 because I knew she needed to pee-pee, but as soon as we got up to pick something up outside, there was an accident.

This morning Kaitlyn got up around 7 am and we went to the bathroom first. We only sat there for about 10-15 minutes and she went pee-pee. I think maybe she is feeling a little more comfortable to let go.

We plan to work on it today and tomorrow only. We cancelled Pool Time Friday so we can just focus. I see a little progress everyday like this morning. I can't wait to see everything click and she goes to the bathroom first before she has an accident or tries to get there first.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

News Flash!!!

This morning I had a different strategy. For the last two mornings, she has had an accident eating breakfast at the table. We had just sat with her on the potty beforehand too.

This morning, I brought our portable DVD player and we sat there for awhile with a video. Then we got off to say bye to Daddy. Then I said let's get our breakfast and bring it in the bathroom with us. She had muffins while sitting on the potty and then went pee-pee on the potty! Yeah, man, it was so exciting! That was my whole goal today, if we could just get her to go this morning, the easiest time.

We have been telling her that if she went on the potty she would be able to open a present. This morning she was able to finally open another present! She was excited! Hopefully, this will start a snowball effect, but if not, at least I know we can do it with a little patience and time.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Update on PT

After a couple of days of this, Kaitlyn likes to wear her underwear and watch Potty Power, but we haven't had much luck with going on the potty. We are being patient and know that it is alot to only be going back and forth to the potty or stay in the bathroom for a long period of time. It is like she is holding it so she doesn't have to pee-pee on the potty.

Hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Potty Training Update

We have been preparing for the Big Day (Potty Training) for awhile now and it is finally here! We decorated the bathroom and living room along with treats, prizes, stickers, star chart and the necessary potty items.

Kaitlyn woke up this morning at 7:30 and we were excited. She woke up tired, but soon got excited too when we told her there was a present waiting for her. She opened up her potty doll, Dolly. She was amazed and loved the decorated bathroom. We then talked with Dolly alot and Kaitlyn fed her breakfast.

We then went straight into talking about Dolly and how she is wearing big-kid underwear and how she goes pee-pee and poo-poo on the potty. Dolly had several accidents in the morning with water on her big-girl pants and we put in some baby prunes for a BM. Dolly also went on the potty all by herself and got a treat and sticker, which Kaitlyn really got when she promised to do what Dolly did.

Kaitlyn got very excited when Dolly went on the potty and got a treat. She understood the concept. She also loved her potty books and loved the Potty Power video. Our motto today has been Potty Power, Kaitlyn especially loved this motto. We worked with the doll until lunch and kept going back and forth from the bathroom to party room to read books to Dolly to help train her.

After lunch, Kaitlyn took a nap. We were ready for her to wake up to start on the real business at hand. She took a three hour nap so she didn't get up until 4:30 pm. She then got a call from Superman to encourage her to do what Dolly did today and about becoming a big kid. She then opened up all her big kid underwear including Curious George and Dora the Explorer underwear that had been wrapped.

She picked out Curious George to wear and from there we rewarded her with stickers for staying dry. We then upped the anty with trying to go on the potty. She also got rewarded for sitting on the potty to try. We tried a few drinks on her to get her to need to go pee-pee. She stayed on the potty for quite awhile and we entertained her with songs and beads and just waited, waited and waited. She was already sitting on the potty and her face got really big and then we heard the pee-pee. She didn't go pee-pee until 7 pm and she had been up since 4:30.

She then got to pick out a prize and received a lot of praise. We were very excited to hear that sound! So today, another day at trying even if it is a little more low-key than yesterday.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Summer Time - Getting Down to the Nitty Gritty

(Not responsible for run-on sentences, etc. I am extremely tired from our trip; however, I wanted to catch up on some blog writing or I will procrastinate until it is too late. heehehee.)

So we are about to embark on the last trimester of this pregnancy and as we do, we have so many goals to meet before Jackson gets here. We are almost complete with the room change. Here are some recent photos. Kaitlyn is pretty in pink with flowers and birdies. Jackson is blue and is an all-star with red stars and baseball/basketball/soccer. We still need some decorations and want to work on that this month. Maybe Big Daddy will bring back something from Yankees stadium on his trip to NYC for this little all-star!

We have set the date of the "Big Potty Party" for Kaitlyn, this Saturday. She is really ready to go now, and I have been finishing up some reading on some successful strategies for potty training in a day, hopefully, but there will be a lot of follow up in the next week, as well as getting gear for potty training - pull ups, portable potty seat, seat adapter and learning how to get her on the seat easily, potty videos, books, etc. We are going to have a big indoor picnic with special drinks to get her to drink a lot, and model a lot of potty training in the morning. In the afternoon, it will be time for her to go to it and put in motion what we have learned. We are in for an all day event and will hold all calls, except for Kaitlyn getting a call from encouraging family and possibly Superman. Yeah!

And we just got back last night from our big trip to Destin, Fla. with the Colemans. Destin really is a great family destination, except it isn't exactly easy getting there. We planned to leave on Wednesday, May 30 and were stuck in an airport all day. We got up at 5:45 am, left by 6:15 to make an 8:50 flight. We were then stuck on the plane on the runway for three hours in the middle of a huge storm. The flight was then cancelled and we had to wait for another flight at 4:30 to Houston. Then we waited on that flight for an hour before take off. We then literally ran through the airport to get on a smaller plane to Destin/Ft. Walton. They gave Kaitlyn's seat away and she had to be passed back and forth to me and Brandon as we were sitting in different rows. Even though this was tough, no dinner, and I was about yak from motion sickness and exhaustion, as with all of us adults, the girls, Kali - 17 months, and Kaitlyn did really better than expected. No all out cries or anything. We did loose Kaitlyn's Doodle Pro that kept them pre-occupied for the better part of the three hours waiting on the runway in the morning.

We saw a couple of doggies in the airport and that definitely helped as well as escalators. Kaitlyn loved riding on them.

The rest of the trip was nice because we walked right on to the beach, had umbrellas and didn't have anywhere really to be. The water was great and we even saw a couple of dolphins. Kaitlyn didn't like the beach as much as last year, guess the bigger waves were a little frightening. However, after a couple of days she and Kali went out with the dads before the big waves and liked the water. Kaitlyn kept saying Big Waves and Come Water Come. She liked to stomp out the sand castles as well. She loved the pool was always her favorite. She has been swimming a lot kicking her legs and moving her arms while on her belly.

Having Kali and Kaitlyn together was really the best. They were great friends and copied each other a lot. They always looked for each other and asked where the other one was if she wasn't around. They liked to wrestle and of course, play keep away and take stuff from each other.

We met a lot of people from Louisiana. They were great and helped take some photos for us. I think a highlight for us was to go to Fudpucker's restaurant. They had aligators in the front and we bought a couple of shirts. Kaitlyn and Kali liked making faces more through the window than anything.

Here is a link to the kodak gallery photos. I took close to 200, but most of them are duplicates, so I moved a few good ones to the front.

Here are two videos from the trip: Kaitlyn and Kali dancing and Brandon/Troy boogie Bording and a surfer wiping out.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

On Our Toes

Boy are we on our toes. Kaitlyn has now unlocked and opened the front door and walked out by herself. She has gained a lot of dexterity so she can turn those locks and knobs easily now. We are putting in more locks at the top for sure!

Today, Kaitlyn went to the dentist for the first time as recommended by our pediatrician. All is well with those 20 baby teeth. She was so great in the dentist's chair. She sat still and wore sunglasses so the glare did not bother her eyes. She received the bubblegum toothpaste flavor and even let the dental hygienist floss just a little bit. She even nodded when asked if she wanted the sunglasses back on or off.

To see video, click here:

Friday, May 18, 2007

Three Piggy Opera

Kaitlyn performed last night the Three Piggy Opera for her school's end-of-year program. She was in the pig pen along with the other toddlers and she did pretty well trying to do the hand signs. She loved wearing her Piggy headpiece and would not let us take it off all night.

She then played with Ian, who calls her a girlfriend, and had a cookie to top it off. She starts summer school in early June and it will last til mid-July. She will be going back to school right when we are due with Jackson.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Count down to 10

Well, I am back. I have started to feel better after a bad bout with a cold the last couple of weeks. The coughing was horrendous. But never fear, it didn't stop us from moving Kaitlyn to a big bed and redecorating her room. She is getting smart too. We have been working on redecorating and once we have a few more things, we will be posting some photos.
I am now 6 months pregnant. Just a little more to go. I can't wait to have him! I guess I hate slowing down because I am so big especially in spring. I have stopped picking Kaitlyn up, except if I have to. She hates it, but she is getting used to holding hands a little more.

Happy Late Mother's Day to all those moms out there! Hope you had a great day. We did. We went to the Fort Worth Zoo. I can't even believe I now have the title of mom because mom is such a big role to fill. I hope Kaitlyn knows how much joy she has brought to my life. It is my gift to be able to be her mom.

Before I forget the little things she has been doing this week and last, let me recap.

1. Hide and Seek. This is her new favorite game. While Brandon was painting we were playing around the house. She then takes off and hides. Who knows where, I just couldn't find her. Of course, I didn't expect her to be running off to play hide and seek at any given moment. I searched the house top to bottom and no Kaitlyn. She then comes out and finds me in the office. I couldn't believe it. She takes me back to where she was hiding, in the old guest room behind the dark curtain. She kept saying hide, hide.

2. When she saw her room painted pink for the first time, she gasped. She then said pink room. I am not sure if she really associates this room with being her room now. It has taken about a week for her to get used to the change, but is doing a lot better now.

3. She is a master on the playground. We still spot her, but she climbs up everything, slides on everything, swings on everything and if she can't do it, she says it is for big kids. She really has a confidence about her abilities on the playground and she holds on tight.

4. She can count to 10, just about! It was a newsflash to us, but we would say one and then she would say two and so on. It just seems as though everything is clicking in her head. Although, she does this when she is in the mood for it.

5. But now we have a little more to worry about. She can now open any door in the house, except the sliding door. She opened her room door last week for the first time.

She has been loving on her stuffed animals. We took some photos with the bear today and loved to pose for the camera and then come look at the picture.

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Thursday, May 03, 2007

This Past Weekend and More

I apologize in advance for being brief and not including photos, I was up until all hours with a lousy cough and blowing my nose.

This past weekend Brandon's parents and Uncle Perry and Aunt Bonnie came in town for the Byron Nelson golf tournament. We gals had a shopping spree and learned very quickly that Kaitlyn likes to not only shop but run around the store so you can't catch her. I think Bonnie and Gigi had their hands full trying to help contain her.

The guys enjoyed the tournament and came back with sunburns all around. Gigi and Big Daddy babysat on Saturday night and we were able to go see Wicked, the musical. That was great! I probably would have enjoyed it more if I didn't have to sit in my seat just perfectly because I had a huge man in front of me. But even with that, it was really great to see all of the costumes and set.

On Sunday, Brandon took Kaitlyn to her friend, Zoe's birthday party at Owens farm. She didn't want to feed the animals, but liked looking at them. I stayed home because I had a fever. I am still not doing well, but hopefully the doc can prescribe something today because nothing is working with this. I won't bore you with the details.

You would have thought a hurricane came through last night. Around 7 pm, the winds started blowing the rain sideways and everything was blown everywhere. Our lounge cushions were in the pool and chairs knocked over and a big tree branch blown off. Driving through the neighborhood today, you could tell a storm came through, fences and trees were down all over. Our power was out all night as well. Well, off to clean up and wait for the doc to call back. More to come soon.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Superman Solves All Your Problems!

This weekend we had a great time celebrating weddings, babies and birthdays. After it was all said and done, we really can't say enough about Superman coming to save the day. Hehhe.

We celebrated my dad's 60th bday this weekend at The Magic Time Machine. I am sure he doesn't want me to broadcast it, but it is a special birthday and we wanted to have fun for him. He even got to have his favorite dish, Blackened Catfish.

Our waiter was Harry Potter; however, Superman was close by and came to save the day. Brandon, Kaitlyn and I arrived early. This place has all sorts of nooks and crannies including a real school bus to sit in to eat, a Harry Potter hat with a booth inside, etc. Kaitlyn loved the school bus the most and we could not get her out of it while singing, "The Wheels on the Bus."

Finally, dinner came and we were in a pinch to get her to sit in her high chair to eat. She almost screamed and was causing a fuss. Then Superman appeared out of thin air. He came down to her level and talked to her in a low, sweet voice. He was quite entertaining, but not quite as entertaining as Kaitlyn staring at him with her big, blue eyes opened wide. She was quiet the instant he started talking to her. For the rest of the dinner, she was happy and content to eat and then ask for Superman when she caught a glimpse of him.

She then had a whole five-minute conversation with Harry Potter. I don't think he could whip up a spell to understand half of what she said. He had his arm across his chest with the other arm under his chin. In the middle of him saying, "Interesting," she propped up her arms like his. It was very cute. I will have to see if I can't get Stephen's video to put up. He caught some of the conversation with her.