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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

It is definitely time for a little baby to arrive!

It is definitely time for Jackson to be here. We have been anxiously waiting his arrival and had thought he would be here by now. Around the first week or two in August I was busy getting last minute things together before he came and closed out my work projects. I went to the doctor, and I had started dilating. We thought this was great news because I didn't dilate at all before Kaitlyn came.

Now I am sitting here and it is August 28th and still no Jackson. His due date is exactly a week from today and I have been miserable for the last three weeks. Ahh, me! Last week, we had a false alarm as I was throwing up with contractions, but they subsided and I went home. I felt pretty bad the whole week. Now this week, I have a huge rash on my belly. It itches and it is hard to sleep.

Anyway, an induction is in order and just got a call for it to be Tuesday, 9/4. I hate to be whining and can't wait to be out of this state and see little Jackson. I just have a feeling he is going to a real sweetie and endear us all to just cuddle with him all the time.

Kaitlyn is telling everyone that Jackson is in mommy's tummy, and I can't wait to finally see her face when he is actually here. We have been talking about it so long and I have been so big for so long that I am sure she will not know what to do. I am so excited to be able to get back to regular physical things too so I can play with her more again. Right now it is so hard to get down on her level or have the energy.

I know that it will be tough with Jackson, but my take on everything is that anything is better than this. I can't do anything I want to do and that is tough to accept right now. Even though I complain, I am thankful for this because I can look back when there is a day that is hard with having two and know that it is still easier than the physical state and pain I am in now trying to take care of Kaitlyn.
Daddy dressed Kaitlyn and put her in pigtails this morning all by himself while mommy slept in.

More to come soon...

1 comment:

Shelley Roberts said...

I've heard, and I'm not sure if it's true, (and probably not what you want to hear) that once you have a baby you stay dilated to 2 cm. These babies come when they're ready! I was ready to get Hayley out too, but after a few nights I pleaded with my Dr. to put her back for just a night or two! :-)

I'll keep my fingers crossed that you don't have to be induced. I've heard that is NO FUN!!